Minutes: January 28, 2015

Valley County Economic Development Council, Inc., Minutes
Jan 28, 2015, 4:00—6:00 pm
Cascade City Hall, Cascade, Idaho
Members present: David Papiez, Jonne Hower, Don Bailey, Scotty Davenport, Sherry Maupin, Bill Willey,
Nic Swanson
Members absent: Cami Hedges,Karla Miller, Rob Terry
Non-members present: Melissa Hamilton, Valley County Extension Service; Randy Shroll, Idaho Dept. of Commerce
Presiding: David Papiez
David called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm and welcomed guests and members.
Secretary’s & Treasurer’s Reports
The minutes of the Dec.17, 2014 meeting were approved. There were no changes to the January Treasurr’s Report (VCEDC. January 2015). David noted that Rob would be filing year end reports with the IRS
Idaho Department of Commerce
The Council welcomed Randy Shroll to our meeting. Randy summarized his on-going work with Valley County’s Woody Biomass Council. He further mentioned work underway with individuals and/or groups in Boise, Gem, and Adams counties. He related the experiences of other multi-county collaboratives in their efforts to recruit additional businesses or business interests to their locations. Finally, Randy suggested VCEDC consider the possibility of aligning with the Woody Biomass Council and work with the other three counties for further economic development.
After general discussion the Council agreed we were interested in further discussion and future possibilities. Randy agreed to explore the subject with the Woody Biomass Council.
Election of Officers
Bill moved and Scotty seconded a motion to retain our current officers: David, President; Rob, Treasurer, Jonne, Secretary. Motion passed unanimously.
Sub-Committees and Focus Areas
- Sector Development and Asset Development provided a joint report.
- Sherry provided a summary report for the January 15, 2015 Housing Workshop. (Click here to see the summary.) Another workshop, tentatively scheduled for early April will engage planning staff of local municipalities and the county. Finally, a forum will be scheduled with the general public.
- There were no new items to report regarding a rack brochure and a presence at the 2015 Winter Carnival.
- Local Entrepreneurship
- The Sub-committee provided an update on the Council’s Second Annual Business Event – Entrepreneurship for Everyone that will be held during the first two weeks of March. The schedule – which is still in development – is to host a “How to Start a Business” workshop either March 7 or 14. During the week of March 9, volunteers will meet with Cascade High School’s Economics students to brainstorm and “create” businesses. Additional presentations and workshops also are under discussion.
- The subcommittee is working with Catie Bennett of SBA and SCORE for these presentations.
- Import Substitution
- Scotty reported that Cascade School District received a $75,000 check for its ground source geothermal heating system.
- Scotty reported the subcommittee expects to meet with Roy Mink to determine the next steps for developing geothermal resources in Cascade and southern Valley County.
Round Table, Calendar & Public Input
- There was general discussion regarding Council members who were consistently absent from meetings. There was no conclusion.
- Sherry reported the Greater McCall Chamber of Commerce was currently hosting a “fam” tour. David reported he had met with them at Tamarack.
- McCall will have a work session with a developer working on affordable housing.
- David reminded us of the March 14 & 15, 2015 Planners meeting scheduled in McCall. Melissa Hamilton reported she had registered and would bring information back for the Council. David reminded us about the evening social to which we were invited.
The next VCEDC meeting will be Feb. 25, 2015, at Donnelly Community Center, Donnelly.